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President Franklin Roosevelt passes a pen used in signing the GI Bill in 1944 |
On June 22, 1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944,
better known as the G.I. Bill of Rights. Barring Social Security it was the most
successful social program in American
history. It set the stage for the long
economic boom of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s and the rapid ascendency of the middle
class by forestalling an
immediate post-War crisis, fueling an unprecedented housing boom, and by providing American industry and government with a highly
educated workforce. Getting that result
was not easy.
In 1944 the end of World War II was in
sight even if more than a year of bloody
conflict still lay ahead. That of
course was good news. But it also kept a lot of folks up with night
sweats. What would happen when the largest mobilization in history—millions of armed service members, mostly men—came to an end. Battle hardened veterans would be dumped into an economy that would be naturally
rapidly contracting as the war
production boom came wound
down. Men with no skills beyond aiming an
M-1 or swabbing a deck would be thrown into competition for scarce jobs with workers who had mastered all sorts of production skills in the defense plants. Everyone expected a post-war recession;
it was just a matter of how severe. Some fretted if could relapse in the Depression that
only really ended when war production began to ramp up in 1939.
conditions had led to the rise of fascism
and Communism in Europe after World War I and huge
domestic turmoil in the US that
included mass strike waves, race riots, and the great Red Scare crackdown that threatened
basic Constitutional and Civil Rights.
Meanwhile the demobilizing troops—draftees and volunteers alike had been vaguely
promised that their years of
sacrifice would be honored and rewarded and that they would somehow be
“taken care of.” Conservatives
in Congress were already making noises against “undeserved giveaways” and expenditures that would get in the way of deep cuts to high wartime taxes on the wealthy.
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The specter of the Bonus March, which was violently suppressed by the Army under Douglas MacArthur, and possible post war chaos or rebellion haunted the lawmakers who worked on the GI Bill. |
The historic models were not good.
After the Civil War a stingy Congress was parsimonious in handing out pensions and even the politically powerful Grand Army of the
Republic was frustrated with
trying to loosen Congressional purse
strings as their membership aged.
As a result many veterans joined the
labor movement during the decades of open class war of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. They burned down rail yards during the Great Railway Strike of 1877 and were
the backbone of Coxey’s Army when it marched
on Washington in 1894. After the Great War Congress sought to buy time by promising a Bonus payment to Veterans in 1945. But when the Great Depression hit sending unemployment
soaring thousands joined the Bonus
March on Washington that the Hoover
administration was terrified
signaled a revolution. The Bonus
March was brutally dispersed by the Army under the command of General Douglas
MacArthur. No one wanted a replay of that, either.
In the White House President Roosevelt and his New Deal holdover staff began to put together a relatively modest package of benefits
fearing Congressional Republican united
opposition. The bill Roosevelt proposed would have been means tested—only poor
veterans would be eligible for most
of the benefits and education grants
for four years of college would
only go to those who got top scores on
a written test.
The leaders of the two most powerful veteran’s organizations, the American Legion and the Veterans
of Foreign Wars (VFW) with
millions of members, plenty of political
clout, and the prospect of enrolling
waves of new GIs had other ideas. Harry W. Colmery, a liberal Democrat and a former National Commander of the American
Legion—yes, children, such persons once existed—sketched an early draft proposal for a bill at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. The then current
Commander Warren Atherton, a
Republican lawyer, helped with the final drafts.
With the backing of both Veterans organization
he quickly gained the support of Sen.
Ernest McFarland (D-Ariz.) as
the principle sponsor in the Upper Chamber. He got some bi-partisan support, especially Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts who was the
Republican Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. The bill was introduced in January 1944 and
despite being sweepingly more generous gained the support of the
President. With the Legion and VFW pulling
out all stops on pressuring Congress and the hastily organized
support of GI families, especially their wives, the Bill
rushed through Congress and was adopted by a comfortable margin in the
Democratic Senate and the Republican held House. Only the most curmudgeonly of
conservatives groused, and they did so discretely.
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An Army Paratrooper poses with a poster promoting the new GI Bill. |
The main provisions of the GI Bill which would reshape American
society were:
payments of tuition and living
expenses to attend high school, college or vocational/technical school.
home mortgages.
loans to start a business.
52 weeks of unemployment
To be eligible a veteran must have been
on active duty during the war years for at least 90 days and had not
been dishonorably discharged. Combat was not a requirement. All veterans including women and minorities—the
most controversial component of the legislation—were eligible.
The most glaring omission was those who served in the Merchant Marine, although they had been considered military personnel in times of war in under the Merchant Marine Act of 1936. This despite the fact that Merchant Marine suffered higher losses in combat by
percentage than any of the recognized
Armed Services. At the signing
ceremony Roosevelt urged Congress to act to rectify the omission. They never did.
Although Blacks and other minorities were technically eligible for full benefits, custom, political expediency,
and Federal timidity conspired to
deny many their rights under the program.
Just as many New Deal programs had done before, administration of the
benefits were left to local, White officials and a tacit policy of “deferring to local custom”
many Blacks were shut out, especially but not exclusively in the Jim Crow South. Many of those not directly turned down were discouraged
from doing so and many were never
informed of their rights by the outreach
programs of the Veterans’
Administration and the Veterans’ organizations. Most affected was the home loan program because there was no requirement for banks
to serve Black borrowers or developers to sell to them. Of the first
67,000 mortgages insured by the G.I.
Bill, fewer than 100 were taken out by
non-whites, virtually universal exclusion.
education benefits were also impacted.
Most Colleges and Universities still excluded Blacks or admitted them only in small numbers under strict quota systems. That shunted most potential student off to trade schools, including many fly-by-night operations set up just to
harvest GI Bill benefits or to the limited number of historically black colleges which were quickly overwhelmed. And,
once again, local official found ways to dispute
payments to those schools. Only one
fifth of the 100,000 blacks who had applied for educational benefits had
registered in college by 1946 and the hard pressed Black schools had been
forced to turn away 20,000 eligible vets for lack of space for them. And in most of the South, it was virtually
impossible for Blacks to get their unemployment benefits under the program.
This has had a generational effect as previously
poor or working class Whites
were lifted into the Middle Class giving their children and grandchildren advantages not available to the offspring and descendents of Black vets.
It is one of the most insidious and
invisible elements of White privilege that the beneficiaries never even think about.
Despite these failures, the GI Bill
was an enormous success for its favored beneficiaries and for the economy as a whole.
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The New American Dream--a house in the suburbs made possible for many by the GI Bill |
By 1956, roughly 8.8 million World
War II veterans had used the education benefits including 2.2 million to attend
colleges or universities and 5.6 million for some kind of training program. Millions more took advantage of GI Bill
mortgage loans. One of those was my
father, W.M. Murfin who in that very
year used it to upgrade us from a slightly run down 1890 frame rental in Cheyenne, Wyoming to a new construction three bedroom brick ranch
in a new subdivision out by the airport.
Many more would continue to use the
benefits for decades to come. My 92 year old employer, a Navy veteran,
never previously used his mortgage benefits but is now seriously considering
doing so to buy a house in Chicago.
He would surely be among the
last of his cohort to do so.
Here are some of the results of the
GI Bill.
At the time it was enacted many
supporters felt that the most critical
component was the guaranteed one year of unemployment benefits which paid $20 weekly. That was hardly a princely sum and difficult
for a person supporting a family to get by on.
But it was a very livable
payment for singles providing a modest
standard of living. But it turned
out that few veterans took advantage of this than anticipated or who took
advantage of education benefits. Less
than 20 % of the money set aside for the program was used.
That was because the post-war
recession was not as deep or long as
many had feared. Pent up demand for automobiles,
durable goods, and housing all fueled a rapid recovery and ushered in an unprecedented boom period. Millions
of women left the workforce voluntarily or involuntarily opening jobs and the huge
numbers of vets who took advantage of educational benefits delayed their entry
into the job market for years by which time the economy was roaring again.
The biggest beneficiaries of the unemployment benefits were those who
had the hardest time adjusting to
civilian life including those who we now recognize suffered from Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many of them had trouble reconnecting with family and could not establish stable relationships like the millions of
vets who rushed into marriage after
the war. They were rootless. Think
of the lead character in James Jones’s
novel Some Came Running who was played by Frank Sinatra in the movie.
It is never explicitly stated,
but understood that the troubled Vet who returns to his home town pays for his lodgings and carousing
with his unemployment benefits.
Some Vets purposely took the year to
unwind and find themselves
gravitating to places like New York’s
Greenwich Village, San Francisco, and Los
Angeles. Among them were several who
became leading figures in Beat movement
and the post-war art and theater scenes. Thus those government checks had profound cultural
Before the War, most Americans who
did not live in rural areas and small towns, did not live in single family homes, especially the working class and urban poor—a population that had been swollen by the depression.
Most lived in apartments, flats, and
tenements. Truly astonishing numbers, including
whole families, lived in boarding houses,
other rooming houses, and in residential hotels. The GI Bill, and to some extent FHA Loans, changed that with
astonishing speed. Vets were offered low interest, zero down payment home loans from established banks backed by Federal guarantees and insurance. Terms of the loans favored new construction over the purchase of existing housing stock, a nod at stimulating the construction
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The reality--Levittown, New York in 1947 and the birth of suburban sprawl and '50's car culture. |
GIs and their families poured out of old central cities and
into sprawling suburban development
symbolized by Levittown. Old established neighborhood were
disrupted and broken up. Blacks, more recent immigrants, and poor whites took over those areas. And the coming of Blacks stoked white flight to the suburbs by those who had been left behind.
The resulting sprawl also
contributed to the growing auto centered
culture—roads, highways, parking lots, shopping centers, drive-in everything with
all of the attending pollution and other effects for good and ill.
The new suburban life-style suddenly enshrined
the nuclear family—dad, stay-at-home mom, and children as the cultural
norm. Before the war many lived
together in extended, multi-generational
families. Despite the relatively recent origin of this norm, contemporary
conservatives and reactionaries consider
it both time honored tradition and actually anointed by God even as shifting culture and a new harsh economic reality have rendered it nearly obsolete.
But many argue it was the education
benefits that had the farthest reaching
consequences. The many college graduates produced, mostly as
admirers of the “Greatest Generation”
are eager to point out, motivated, driven, and focused entered the job market in time to provide the engineers, scientists, and other innovators that contributed to one
revolution after another in technology,
transportation, communication, and productions. On their shoulders America became the undisputed economic master of a shattered
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Students, many of the Vets on the GI Bill, line up for registration at the University of Minnesota. |
They also filled the ranks of what in retrospect
might be called the Age of Middle
Management in the giant corporations
that came to dominate the post
war era and government at all levels. The sons of shoe makers, share croppers, and factory hands became junior
executives and vice presidents. Some went even further. It was a white collar revolution that raised millions into the middle class
and firmly set expectations of achievement for the Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and subsequent generations that followed
But in the Digital Age, with globalization,
and the aftermath of the 2008 economic collapse most of those jobs
have disappeared as surely as did
those of coal miners and rust belt factory workers. Yet the myth that a college
education is an automatic ticket to the middle class and success lingers. The grandchildren and great grandchildren of
those returning Vets are now graduating from college saddled with enormous debt
and dim job prospects for many. We have
entered the age of Uber drivers with
master’s degrees, retail clerks and low level managers with B.A.s, and thirty year old waitresses still hustling tables at Chili’s.
Many can’t launch independent
lives and society is getting used to the return of multi-generation homes as under-employed alums linger
in or return to their parents’ houses.
Although the versions of the GI Bill
have remained in force, veterans of subsequent conflicts did not get the same comprehensive boost as did the World
War II vets. Troops returning from Korea found that instead of their institutions receiving payment for
tuition and fees, they were given a flat
amount regardless of cost of their education to apply to their
expanses. That figure—about $150 a month
usually failed to pay all expanses and was reduced
in value over the years by education
inflation which ran ahead of the
general cost of living.
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Rep. Gillespie "Sonny Montgomery, U.S. Army Major General, Retired, and his proudest accomplishment --the Montgomery GI Bill |
In 1984 the revised Montgomery GI Bill — Active Duty (MGIB) sponsored by Rep. Gillespie
V. “Sonny” Montgomery, corrected and raised benefits but extended the time of active service required
and put in place a 10 year window to use
them after leaving the service. Once
again inflation ate up the increased monthly payments despite occasional
boosts. The Montgomery Bill remains the underlying law regarding these veterans’
In 2010 Congress after much delay
passed President Barak Obama’s tweak of
benefits, the Post-9/11 GI Bill a/k/a
G.I. Bill 2.0 which among other
thing expanded the eligibility of members of the National Guard or Reserves
called up for active duty—troops that
the Armed Services heavily relied on
in the Gulf War, Bosnia, Somalia,
Afghanistan, and Iraq as well as
other anti-terrorist actions. Education benefits were redefined with a new
cap and there was additional minor tinkering.
Under heavy pressure in Congress guarantees
were written into the law for payment to private, for profit trade schools, and an explosion of iffy on-line diploma mills despite the administration’s
desire to rein in the worst offenders who saddled vets with courses most never completed and/or worthless
degrees and training certificates not
recognized by businesses or legitimate
educational institutions. In 2012, Obama
issued an Executive Order to ensure that military service members, veterans, and their families would not be
aggressively targeted by sub-prime colleges.
These regulations caused the failure
of heavily advertized ITT Tech
and Corinthian Colleges to abruptly cease operations after the
Obama administration slapped them with
federal sanctions. Many more were in
danger of going out of business.
Donald Trump recently countermanded Obama’s
Executive Order with one of his own that unleashed
the controversial schools to resume
preying on veterans and their families. Trump, of course, famously lent his name to sham school Trump University which bilked vets and others and is under criminal investigation.
Trouble with private schools date
back to the beginning of the program.
Although man World War II vets received legitimate technical and trade
training but many others were snagged
in phony correspondence school scams. These bad actors have been a
constant plague on the program over the years routinely using clout to beat back attempts at reform.
Interestingly, a higher percentage
of Vietnam Veterans—72%—used GI Bill
compared to 51% of World War II vets and 43% of Korean alumni. But a large
percentage of them used the benefits at questionable trade and technical schools.
The advent of the Internet allowed on-line college programs to enter the fray alongside the
traditional training schools. Some
on-line programs by recognized colleges
and universities were legitimate
and hailed by many as the wave of the future especially for those
already in the workforce or with family responsibilities seeking re-education or career upgrades. Unfortunately
many of the for profit schools that sprang up preying on Veterans were
virtually useless.
Today each of the armed services has their own regulations interpreting the terms and eligibility of GI Bill and
other veterans’ benefits. Many of those
regulations, like those requiring set
minimums of time continuing deployment abroad have caused many troops and
vets not to get the full education benefits
that they thought they were entitled to when they enlisted in the “all-volunteer” armed forces. Many are told that they will have to re-enlist or volunteer for additional
deployments in order to get what their initial
recruiters promised.
Along with other cuts to Veterans’ services, a general deterioration of the Veteran’s medical care, and high rates
of PSTD post-9/11 vets suffering
extended unemployment and homelessness
are on a sharp rise.
They can only look on what their
World War II forbearers received under
the original GI Bill.
Very nice information. thanks for sharing