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Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini--Patron of Immigrants from a devotional card.
Note—Perhaps as we register out outrage at the criminal abuse
of immigrants and asylum seekers in Trump’s America this week at Lights for
Liberty vigils this Friday and other actions around the country, it would do
well to recall an earlier immigrant….
She arrived in New York City
in 1889 just short of 40 years old, a frail
and tiny woman accompanied by six of her sisters barely able
to speak a word of English and with virtually no resources. Frances
Xavier Cabrini, Prioress of the Institute of Missionary Sisters of the
Sacred Heart, found a chilly welcome from Archbishop Michael Corrigan,
who, like many of the mainly Irish American Catholic Bishops, was
disdainful and distrustful of the waves of Italian immigrants who were
piling up on American shores. Rather than seeing them as potential
reinforcements for the faith in a still largely Protestant and
hostile nation, Corrigan thought of them as ignorant and dangerous
and a threat to Catholicism’s gradual and grudging acceptance. He found her space in the partially empty convent
of the Sisters of Charity, and left her to her own devices with little
support—and frequent opposition—from the Archdiocese for her missionary
When she died less than thirty years
later the woman who came to be known simply as Mother Cabrini and her
order had established 67 institutions—orphanages,
hospitals, schools, and convents in New York, Chicago,
Seattle, New Orleans, Denver, Los Angeles, Philadelphia,
and other locations. In addition there were more than 100 others in
Italy, and countries throughout Europe and Latin America.
Archbishop Corrigan and the rest of the American Hierarchy eventually
became her admirers and supporters. Not bad for a woman who originally
had only wanted to become a missionary to the heathen Chinese.
Maria Francesca Cabrini was born on July 15, 1850, at Sant’Angelo Lodigiano
in the Province of Lodi, Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, of the Austrian
Empire. Her father, Agostino Cabrini was a
prosperous cherry grower. Her very religious mother, the
former Stella Oldini raised her 11 children, only four of whom
lived to adulthood, steeped in the Faith. Francesca, as she was
known, was the youngest of the family and always frail. After nursing siblings
who died in a small pox outbreak
and contracting the disease herself, she was almost invalid.
Francesca spent a lot of time with a
favorite uncle, a priest, who encouraged her growing sense of
vacation. As a child she constructed paper boats filled them with
violets, launching them on a canal by her uncle’s church telling him the
flowers were missionaries on their way to China. At 12 she took a personal
vow of perpetual virginity.
The next year at the age of 13,
Francesca enrolled in a school run by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart.
She graduated cum laude in 1868 with a teaching certificate.
But when she tried to join the order, the sisters had to turn down their
accomplished student on the grounds that she was too frail for their life.
Sister Francis Xavier Cabrini as a young nun in Italy.
Instead she took a teaching position
and then became Headmistress of the House of Providence Orphanage
in Codogno. In addition to teaching, Maria gathered a
religious community around her, drawing mostly on older girls from the
Orphanage. In 1877 she and seven of them took religious vows together.
She adopted the name Francesca Saverio Cabrini—Francis Xavier Cabrini—at
that time in honor of the Jesuit saint, Francis Xavier, Patron
of missionary service.
Three years later in 1880 Cabrini
and her sisters formally founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, with her as the Superior General of the order. Under
her visionary leadership and administration skills, sisters grew
rapidly and within a few years had established seven orphan homes, a free
school, and a nursery. They supported their work through the
sale of needle work and fine embroidery produced by the nuns and
by students. They also benefited from Mother Cabrini’s persuasive skills
in soliciting donations from the wealthy.
This work achieved the admiring
attention of Giovanni Scalabrini, Bishop of Piacenza who arranged for an
interview with Pope Leo XIII. She expressed her childhood dream of
being allowed to become a missionary to China. The Pope discouraged that
idea. Instead he suggested she consider moving her mission field to the United
States where large numbers of Italians were settling and where they had few
priests to serve them and keep them loyal to the Church and where they
were mired in poverty and exploitation at near the bottom
rung—barely above Negros—of American society. “"Not to
the East, but to the West,” he admonished her.
It took a few years for Cabrini to
put the affairs of the Sisters in order in Italy to keep up the work there and
to raise the funds for the mission trip with a nucleus of her sisters.
They were finally able to make the crossing in 1889.
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Cabrini's West Park, New York orphanage and school for immigrant girls.
The sisters began their work by
teaching catechism and general literacy—in Italian—classes for
the immigrants in New York City’s crowded slums. In an age where
many poor women died in childbirth, diseases like tuberculosis cut
short lives, industrial accidents took a heavy toll on men and women
alike, and when many men abandoned their families, the sisters found
many orphaned or abandoned children living in the streets. Mother Cabrini
founded her first American orphanage for girls, now known as the Saint
Cabrini Home in West Park, Ulster County New York. The grounds
also included an academy, the American Mother House and Novitiate,
and served as Cabrini’s principle home and headquarters for the rest of her
The property was sold to a rock
bottom prices by the Jesuits who could find no water on it.
But legend has it that Cabrini prayed to find a spring on the grounds and,
seemingly miraculously after years of futile searching by the
Jesuits an ample, pure spring was found on a hillside where she first dug.
Concerned with the appalling health
care immigrants received, Mother Cabrini and the sisters expanded their
operations to hospitals first opening Columbus Hospital in New
York City in 1892, a year of national hoopla over the supposed discovery
of the New World by Italian hero Christopher Columbus 400 years
earlier. The hospital merged with the Italian Hospital (founded
1937) in 1973 to become the Cabrini Medical Center.
Chicago became another important
center for Mother Cabrini. She founded the large Italian immigrant
community there especially fertile ground and enjoyed more support from the
Archdiocese there than in New York. In addition to establishing a large
convent there and founded Assumption School on East Erie Street in
Streeterville and Chicago Columbus Hospital in the North Side
Lincoln Park neighborhood in 1905. Later she added Columbus
Extension Hospital for the Poor on the West Side. In her later
years Chicago became a virtual second home.
Mother Cabrini, by this time famous
and celebrated, became a naturalized American Citizen in
1907. Her example was said to have encouraged a minor wave of
naturalizations among the immigrants she served and who adored her.
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Mother Cabrini in maturity.
Cabrini was a busy administrator and
tireless fund raiser. She also made the arduous round trip trance-Atlantic
crossing almost every year for 30 years. On one such trip in 1915 Italy
joined the Allied side in World War I with the aim of
reclaiming more Italian speaking regions from Austria—Cabrini’s home in
Lombardy had been annexed by the Kingdom of Italy back in 1859.
Cabrini threw herself into organizing her hospitals and convents there in
support of Italian troops and providing medical care for the wounded as
well as relief for refugees. She was hailed as national heroine.
Mother Cabrini made one more hazardous
war-time crossing back to Italy. But back in Chicago on December 27,
1917 her fragile body succumbed to malaria in a room of her own Chicago
Columbus Hospital. At her request she was buried on the grounds of the
Mother House in New York beside other sisters of her order. Back in
Chicago, the room in which she died became an unofficial shrine. It was
preserved just as it was on the day of her death and was visited annually by
thousands. Rumors of prayers answered and cures began to be associated
with it.
Responding to the rumors of miracles
and to the worshipful attention Mother Cabrini continued to inspire in Chicago,
Cardinal George Mundelein initiated the Church investigation leading
to her official veneration, the first step toward canonization.
As part of that process her body was exhumed for inspection
in 1931. In the spirit of the ancient tradition of dismembering the body
to be used as relics at church and shrines dedicated to or associated
with the dead, Mother Cabrini’s head
was removed and preserved
in the chapel of the Congregation’s international motherhouse in Rome.
One arm was severed and sent to Chicago to a chapel adjacent
to her death room at Columbus Hospital. The rest of her body was brought
to a new Shine constructed on the ground of the girls’ school she founded in
New York City at 701 Fort Washington Avenue.
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Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in stained glass.
In 1938 after a miracle involving
the restoration of sight to a child blinded by the excess
application of silver nitrate to the eyes, Pope Pius XI raised
her to official veneration in a decree, anointing her heroic
virtues. After a second miracle involving the healing of a terminally
ill nun was confirmed, Pope Pius XII officially canonized her on
July 7, 1947. The whole process took an unusually short period of time, which reflected
the concern at the Vatican that the United States, which had become one
of the largest Catholic countries
in the world by population as well as the wealthiest, was vastly
underrepresented on the Calendar of Saints.
St. Cabrini made Patron of
immigrants, orphans, hospital
administrators, unlikely causes, and against malaria. Her feast day
is on November 13, the date of her beatification,
rather than the more customary anniversary of her ascent into Heaven (death.)
This was probably due to the crowded nature of the liturgical calendar
during the Christmas Season.
IN 1955 Cardinal Samuel Stritch
consecrated the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini including
her death room inside the Chicago Columbus Hospital.
Many of the institutions Mother
Cabrini founded are no longer functioning. State authorities and other
institutions took over many of the orphanages and closed them with the movement
to placements in foster care or adoptions. Many of
her schools fell victim to declining
enrollments, including Mother Cabrini Catholic High School in New
York where a separate shrine was built on the grounds in 1957 and which shut
its doors at the end of the school year in 2014 after 111 years.
Her hospitals could not survive the
relentless pressure from ever-growing private, for profit hospital
conglomerates on one hand, and shrinking Medicare and Medicaid payments
for their largely indigent patients. No amount of fundraising could
save most of the hospitals first from rounds of merger and consolidation
and then from closure. In late 2001,
Chicago Columbus Hospital closed its doors. A year later, the shrine and chapel
inside were also shuttered. The hospital building was demolished, but the
Cabrini National Shrine was a separate property belonging to the Missionary
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and was preserved. After years of
controversy and heavy handed pressure to relocate the Shrine so that the
valuable Lincoln Park land could be profitably redeveloped an agreement was made and a new
luxury condominium building was erected over and around the
Shrine. After restoration the Shrine was blessed and dedicated by Cardinal Francis
George on September 30,
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The National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini as it now stands alone in Chicago's affluent Lincoln Park neighborhood.
in New York City, Cabrini Medical Center was forced to close in
2008. After an attempt by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to turn the vacant buildings into a
for-profit out-patient surgery center fell through, the complex was sold
to private developers who planned to convert the buildings to condominiums.
For many people,
Mother Cabrini is best remembered for something she never personally had
anything to do with—Chicago’s notorious Cabrini-Green public housing
project. The projects were built out over a period of twenty years
beginning in 1944 with the Frances
Cabrini Roughhouses on land cleared from some of
the worst and most dangerous slums in the City, a largely Italian neighborhood
so rife with crime that more than 50 murders were committed in one year
alone at Death Corner, Locust and Sedgwick. Four additional
sections of high rise buildings were finally finished by 1964.
first the development was integrated and most of its residents were employed
former slum residents who took pride in being Development People. But
Mayor Richard J. Daly shifted the focus of the Chicago Housing
Authority (CHA) to warehousing the very poor and reinforcing
the city’s rigid racial segregation. By the mid-‘70’s
Cabrini-Green was over-run by drugs, gangs, and violence and the
building were allowed to deteriorate with poor maintenance and vandalism.
Many believe that it was allowed to happen because the land juts into the intersection
of two of Chicago’s wealthiest neighborhoods, Lincoln Park and the Gold
Coast and was coveted by developers.
A new
round of Public Housing “reform” has seen the high rise buildings razed and
their residents disbursed. The area is being re-developed, supposedly for
mixed income uses. The Cabrini row houses were preserved, although
their residents were all evicted. They are now an up-scale anchor for
the planned development. No one expects that any of the former Black
residents will find space in the few units reserved for low income residents.
the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus continue their work in the United States and around the
world. They remain dedicated serving the needs of the poor and immigrants
with health care, senior care, immigrant services and the like.
They have taken a special interest in implementing Catholic teachings on
Social Justice and ending world-wide human trafficking.
This is a most interesting story. Thanks, Patrick.