Friday, May 10, 2024

Tree of Life Peace Corps Send-off for Devi Madaus—Woodstock North and University of Wisconsin Grad

24 year old Devi Madaus is headed to Mongolia for a hitch with the Peace Corps.

University of Wisconsin, Madison graduate, Devereaux Anne Madaus, universally known as Devi, will be recognized on Sunday, May 12 at a send-off event held at the Tree of Life Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 5603 Bull Valley Road in McHenry, Illinois.   Devi will be joining the Peace Corps in June and will serve in Mongolia.                                                   .
Members of the Woodstock, McHenry, and Madison communities, and surrounding areas are invited to attend online via Zoom or in person as Chaplain Dave Becker will speak about peace and volunteerism during a worship service this Sunday, May 12, beginning at 10:45 am

Julia Ward Howe's Proclamation may not be a direct ancestor of modern American Mother's Day, but it continues to inspire both the peace and feminist movements.    

Chaplain Becker will also celebrate the first Mothers Day Proclamation-- Julia Ward Howes 1870 Appeal to Womanhood Throughout the World a/k/a the Mothers Peace Day Proclamation.

In addition to Devi, several former Peace Corps and AmeriCorps volunteers will also be recognized at the event, including her grandfather Whit Sears who served twice with his late wife D.D. in Africa and Thailand.

The current Peace Corps logo.

The Peace Corps is a volunteer program of the United States government. Volunteers live and work side by side with community members on locally prioritized projects, building relationships, exchanging cultures and knowledge, and helping transform lives for generations.  It was founded in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy fulfilling a campaign promise and as an answer to the challenge, “…ask what you can do for your country.”

The service will also include Flower Communion, an annual UU tradition representing the giving and receiving of spiritual gifts in  community.  Attendees are invited to bring  cut flowers to share.

Tree of Life is liberal religious member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations with a commitment to the human principles of Love and Justice which welcomes people of all spiritual practices and belief systems asking only that each person upholds our commitment to respect and fairness.

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