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A Facebook status update with these words broke my record for responses. I fancied it up with a meme generator for use here. |
other day when the House Repugnant rammed
through their cherished “Obamacare
Repeal and Replace” by a one vote
margin and then erupted in joyous celebration as if they had just won the World Series, I was furious. Apparently I was not alone. I posted the
following status update to my Facebook timeline: “Pricing tar
pots, feathers, rails, and pitchforks. Who’s in?” Over the last three days it has shattered a personal record 117 likes,
loves, and laughs and generated
over 50 comments, all of them enthusiastic and including offers to build a guillotine and supply gasoline for a bon fire. True, I gussied up the post using the new Facebook feature of picking a colored background and bolding
the text in white letters, but I
doubt if mere marketing—a less decorative link to a Twitter version generated an additions
24 responses.
old Shimer College pal Maria Sosa reported
on the morning of May 4, “When I opened up FB on my phone just now I had 122
notifications!!!!!” Of course they were
all about the health care stab in the
back. In fact outrage damn near broke social media and has barely let up.
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Republicans and the Cheeto in Charge smuggly rejoice at depriving millions of Americans of health care. It will be remembered. |
of the Trump era outrages which have
already sent millions into the streets on a regular basis, have matched the response
to this. After all, this is an act that gores all oxen. Palpable
harm to individuals and families is nearly universal to all who are not insulated by great personal
wealth and political power. The emerging details are stunning in their sweep.
companies would
be free to reinstate restrictions on
a long laundry list of “pre-existing conditions” everything
from acid reflux and acne
to tuberculosis and ulcers.
A minimum of half of all
Americans have one or more in their medical
records—probably many more. Millions could lose coverage.
Life-time caps on coverage are
reauthorized, which will bankrupt many with chronic illness or expensive
Persons over 50 can be charged
three times as much for coverage as young people.
Companies will be allowed to offer stripped down policies
with high deductibles that cover so
little such plans have been called phony
insurance and fraudulent scams.
a little noticed provision snuck
into the bill, large corporations are
relieved of the requirement that
they offer any health care coverage at
that just scratches the surface of the cabinet
of horrors.
pundits have smugly proclaimed that the universal
rebellion brewing is a triumph over “identity politics” by which they mean the cheeky complaints of minorities
and despised populations. It
is true that the stereotypical Trump voter—poorly educated older Whites who have
been economically displaced and nurse racial and cultural resentments—would be very
hard hit by the bill which many are slowly
coming to realize.
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Protests against Republican healthcare atrocities spread across the country. |
the bill is also tough on—and often
worse for those engaged in
identity politics—women find that childbirth, rape, and domestic abuse are
all allowable pre-existing conditions; the LBGT
communities find that so is HIV/AIDS
and transgender identification and
life time caps mean the end of life-saving AIDS drug treatments; mental illness and drug addiction are excluded; Blacks
and other minorities were already sicker
and more at risk for serious health problems due to limited
health care access even under the Affordable
Care Act and are now thrown to the
course, that is exactly as intended. It fits the ideology of Randist libertarians
who refuse to accept financial responsibility
for anyone but themselves and regard poor as undeserving lazy losers and themselves as god like heroes and of the Religious
Right represented by Vice President
Mike Pence who believe that
illness, poverty, and simply being a
woman are all just punishment by God
for “unclean and impure lives.” As one Congressman
put it, “Good people don’t need
insurance, they are protected by God.”
no, we can’t ignore identity politics—we do have to learn to effectively unite in common resistance.
only difference between the first reactions of shock, rage, and despair and
now is that many of the newer posts are openly plotting revenge on Republican lawmakers with plans to work to oust them in the 2018 elections, flood
the Senate with messages to defeat the House
bill, and many actions in the
streets. Reaction as the range of disastrous consequences of the
bill became widely known has been so
overwhelmingly irate that many pundits believe the Tea Party/Trumpista GOP will lose its House majority despite the gerrymandering that should have made
that impossible.
Demonstrations erupted almost
immediately in front of the Capitol
building and White House and in cities across the country. Now as Congress
comes home on recess hundreds of actions are planned in almost every
Republican held Congressional district.
They are being organized spontaneously
by ad hoc groups out outraged citizens, by health care professionals and
groups who advocate for various conditions
and ailments, both regular Democrats and outsider progressives, feminists and minority communities.
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Randy Hultrgen's District office at 1500 South Rt. 31 in McHenry in the American Community Bank building has lots of room on a busy road for a Die-In. |
actions are being inspired and planned by local groups inspired by the Indivisible
Movement to Resist Trump’s Agenda which published a popular guide
to effective
action and resistance by some
former Congressional staffers. Indivisible
Illinois 14 is just one of scores of
groups organized by Congressional
Districts. They aim to challenge and ultimately unseat Congressman Randy Hultgren
from his suburban and Collar County District. Hultgren may be among the most endangered Republicans. He particularly
angered his constitutions by cloaking his intentions about the bill,
even hinting that he might be open to
opposing it if he got enough
negative feedback from his district.
Of course he got plenty of
negative feedback—his phone lines were
flooded for weeks and demonstrations
were held outside his local offices. In the end he did what most expected—dutifully
toed the Party line.
response Indivisible Illinois 14 is planning a Die-Ins at Hultgren’s district office 1500 South Route 31 in McHenry
from 4:30 pm to dusk on Thursday, May 11. Here is
what they say in their call:
Resistors! Get
ready! We are going to welcome Randy (and surrogate Nick) home from recess next
week with a "Die-in" at his office in McHenry.
Route 31 is very
busy, there is a nice berm where our "corpses" can be well seen by
all the passersby.
Our corpses will
represent some of the more than 22,000 people that will die due to Trumpcare.
Corpses will wear signs indicating their pre-existing sin that has sentenced
them to death. We will have and you can bring signs that talk about this
monstrosity of a bill.
A Die-In at the offices of Minnesota Republican Jason Lewis. We can turn up many more dead. |
the rest of you look for actions where you live. They won’t
be hard to find.
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