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While I was on my Christmas Break, Black Lives Matter protesters were pulling actions like this Die-in at Barkley's Center in Brooklyn on December 17. |
the month of December this blog has been pretty much all holidays all the time. It wasn’t
accidental. Part of it, of course, is that I am a sentimental old fool with a childish spot in my heart for all
things Yule and Noël. But an even bigger
part this year when I dredged up every old
Christmas related post I could find to fill the days, was because I was sick in that same heart by assaulting
waves of bad news and outrage from around the world. It was as if I could stick both fingers in my ears and loudly sing to myself some comforting
carol it would all go away. And it sortta worked.
not for long. Christmas Day has passed
and before New Year’s can ring in, I am forced to face the fact that the real reason I could
dedicate a month to tinsel, dreams, and pious proclamations of Peace
on Earth, Good Will Toward Men was
simply that I am imbued with white privilege. It wasn’t my life or my family’s, or my secure
sub-urban town, or all the good folks in my loving and supporting church
community that were in anyway really threatened,
that were uprooted and displaced, that were despised and shunned, that were mocked
and sneered at by crypto-fascist politicians, that were
reminded daily that they just don’t
matter. Looking away and hiding,
even for a little while, was just another of the infinite gifts of that privilege.
Black Folks were reminded time after time over those
same holidays that after more than two
years of protests and marching that in America Black Lives still don’t matter. In fact they were
shelled with almost daily reminders.
Minneapolis, Minnesota tensions have
been running high since 24 year old Jamar
Clark was shot in the head and
killed on November 15 after supposedly interfering with paramedics who were treating a victim in an earlier shooting.
witnesses have reported that Clark was shot while handcuffed, an accusation denied. Minneapolis, like many cities has a history
of officer involved shootings and harassment of the Black community.
people there have led an active Black
Lives Matter Movement with aggressive demonstrations, including a die-in at the Mall of America last Christmas season that resulted in dozens of
arrests and heavy charges against both demonstrators and alleged conspirators to lead the protest on private property. Most of those defendants recently had
their cases thrown out of court.
Protesters faced down heavily armed police at the Minneapolis 4th District Police Headquarters occupation. |
Black Lives Matter Movement swung into action again with a series of demonstrations
at City Hall and an occupation of the 4th District Police Headquarters—actually
a continuous vigil outside the station.
Five demonstrators there were shot and wounded by three armed white supremacist counter demonstrators on
November 23. Two men have been apprehended
and charged. The shooting only steeled the resolve of protesters. On December 4 police rousted the
encampment at the 4th District. Protesters
responded with a march on City Hall. The
group vowed to keep up pressure as more bad news poured in from around the
days before Christmas on December 22 a Texas
Grand Jury failed to indict the jailers of Sandra Bland who was found hanging in her cell in the Waller County Jail on July 12. Bland, you will recall, was the young woman
traveling to a bright future at a new job at Prairie View A&M University when she was arrested by Texas State
Trooper Brian Encinia on the petty
charge of improper lane usage.
young white woman stopped for the
same offense would probably have been issued a warning or at worst issued a ticket
and sent on her way. But Bland, a Chicago area woman was lippy, insolent, and uppity—three
words repeatedly used to justify her detention
by white social media commenters after
controversy about her arrest and
death spread.
Sandra Bland died in custody after being jailed on a ridiculously minor traffic offense in Texas. |
family has always been skeptical of
the judgement that she committed suicide
when she had too much to live for.
Authorities quickly dug up a medical
history of being treated for mild
depression like millions of other Americans. Various forensic
experts concluded the strangulation death was a suicide. Even if that was the case, it begs two
critical questions—why was she in jail to begin with and why was she monitored
so poorly that signs of despair were not observed. She was monitored in jail almost exclusively
by video cameras with almost no
direct human contact with her jailers.
The frequent regular bed checks by
personnel which are standard in many
jails were not performed.
Black special prosecutor in the case
was unable to get a Grand Jury indictment for her jail care. The same jury will hear charges in January
against Trooper Encinia over the
arrest itself. At this point hardly anyone
expects a different result. The family’s civil suit and a Federal
probe of the jail are likely the only avenues open to anything resembling justice in the case.
got worse, if that was possible, in Chicago
on Christmas Day where tensions have run high over police killings, especially the execution of 17 year old Laquan
McDonald on October 20. An
apparently disoriented McDonald was
seen wandering a South Side street. Several officers tracked his movement down
the center of a nearly deserted Pulaski
Road after he slashed the tire
of a squad car cracked a window with
a small pocket knife. He walked slowly and made no other
threatening moves to officers on the scene when Officer Jason Van Dyke arrived late at the scene, quickly exited
his car, and without warning pumped 16
rounds into McDonald who was walking away from him at the time. He had to be restrained from re-loading to
fire again. The boy bled to death with
not a single officer on the scene attempting to render him aid.
Dyke was an officer with a history
of more than 20 civilian complaints
lodged against him including charges of excessive
force and two about fire arm
use. None resulted in action against
the officer—citizen complaints in Chicago are almost never upheld. But one jury in a civil case awarded $350,000 to the
victim of excessive force in a routine
traffic stop. Van Dyke was also
implicated in covering up evidence in a high profile 2007 police shooting by
failing to turn in an original incident report, but copying statements handed
to him by officers on the scene after they had agreed on a story about the shooting.
case was controversial from the
beginning, but erupted into a major crisis when the city was forced to release a patrol car dashboard video which disproved all previous police accounts
and excuses. Rage filled demonstrations erupted in the neighborhoods and on downtown
streets demanding justice and the resignations or Mayor Rham Emanuel and State’s
Attorney Anita Alverez.
was forced, against all of her instincts
and previous history to indict Officer
Van Dyke for murder. Two weeks later she
reverted to form when she refused to
indict officers involved in the shooting of
Ronald Johnson more than a
year after he was killed while fleeing police despite another dash cam video
which failed to show him with an alleged weapon.
Emanuel scrambled to cover his ass with
the sacrificial firing of Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, a
round of ritual public apologies,
and the appointment of yet another civilian
investigation body. He was forced to
recant opposition to a Federal Justice Department investigation of
the Police Department. Still protests,
led by a new generation of young Black
activists continued.
was on vacation in Cuba when in the wee small hours of the morning
after Christmas Day Chicago Police demonstrated once again that they would
ignore the rising outcry against their behavior and continue to “aggressively police” the Black
community with indiscriminate deadly
responded to a 911 call from Antonio LeGrier asking for assistance
with his 19 year old son Quintonio
LeGrier. The two had an argument
earlier on Christmas Day. The older man
woke up to his son banging on his locked bedroom door and yelling. He had an aluminum baseball bat. The
son has some history of mental problems. The father hoped that the police would
intervene to calm the situation.
Bettie Jones and Quintonio LeGrier, latest victim's of the CPD"s shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality. |
called his friend and downstairs neighbor Bettie Jones in the two
flat West Side building. He asked
her to keep an eye out for the police but not to open her door for Quinatonio. Jones told him that the young man was outside
with the bat. Jones, always helpful and
concerned for both men, kept an eye on things.
Before police arrived Quinatonio returned inside the building.
arrived on the scene and knocked on outside front door shared by the two flats. Jones may have opened the door for police,
but Quinatonio was also in the foyer still
holding the bat but apparently not
making any threatening moves against the officers. Without hesitation the officers immediately
opened fire striking Quinatonio 7 times but also hitting Jones. Both quickly bled to death at the scene.
was a 52 year old grandmother whose
family had gathered in her home for Christmas earlier and who expected to
return later that morning. She was known
as a friendly, active woman who was involved with local anti-violence projects.
families and the community expressed outrage at the needless shootings. The officers have been placed on administrative leave pending an
investigation, but even normally police friendly
media acknowledge that shooting seems unjustifiable. Mayor Emanuel rushed home from Cuba and has
announced plans for new deescalation
policies and training for the entire force plus equipping every officer on
patrol with a Taser. Currently there are only 700 available
through the entire force. The theory is
that Tasers will give officers a non-lethal alternative to gunfire. However field experience has shown that
officers equipped with Tasers are quick to use them in situations in which no
weapons at all would previously have been deployed and that applying repeated jolts to already subdued subjects has
led to serious injury and death.
Details of this plan are to be provided in a joint press conference by the Mayor and Interim Police Superintendent John Escalante
later this afternoon.
protests are not satisfied and calls for Emanuel’s resignation or removal have
escalated. Last night, December 29
activists staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the Mayors comfortable North Side Ravenswood neighborhood home
demanding that he go.
if all of this were not dispiriting enough
on December 28 a Cleveland, Ohio Grand
Jury failed to indict the officer involved in one of the most notorious of the
festering wounds to the Black community—the shooting of 13 year old Tamar Rice in a park on November 23, 2014.
Tamar Rice, partially obscured behind a post being shot by Officer Timmothy Loechmann less than two seconds after he arrived on the scene. |
was playing alone near a swing set
with a toy pellet pistol when
someone called 911 to report “someone
with a gun” at the Cudell Recreation
Center. The caller even stated that
it was “probably a fake.” Officers Timothy
Loehmann and Frank Garmback
pulled up to the scene. As recorded by
park surveillance camera before the squad
car even rolled to a complete stop and less
than two seconds after arriving, Loehmann fired two shots hitting the boy
once in the torso. The toy gun was at that point tucked in Rice’s
belt. Loehmann claimed that he “made a motion for it” and did not respond
to three orders to “show your hands”—a
physical impossibility in less than two seconds.
the boy bled the officers delayed calling for medical assistance, presumably to
get their story straight. When the boys sister quickly arrived on the scene,
she was grabbed, restrained and thrown handcuffed into the back of a
squad car and told that she would face charges
for assaulting police. She was later
release uncharged. Tamar died of his wound the next day in a hospital.
police story quickly fell apart as protests erupted not only in Cleveland but
around the country. They said that they assumed the boy was an adult.
But if that was the case Ohio is an open
carry state and it would have been perfectly
legal for any adult to be in the park armed with a real gun. Swaggering white gun nuts, in fact,
routinely parade around with weapons, including assault rifles daring anyone to “interfere with their rights.”
And Ohio police have been meticulous
in observing those rights. Alleged rights, however, apparently are
erased by skin color and the reflexive fear of Black males that is epidemic among police.
was also reveled that the shooter, Lehmann, had been dismissed from his
previous job in Independence, Ohio
after being found too emotionally
unstable and unfit for duty. Cleveland had no qualms about hiring
him anyway.
all of this Cuyahoga County Prosecutor
Tim McGinty not only could not get a Grand Jury indictment of Lehmann, he
didn’t even try. In his press conference
announcing the decision not to indict he actually bragged about leading the
Grand Jury to that conclusion because it was “not likely to result in a conviction” and would have been a “violation of my professional ethics” to
prosecute. He called the shooting merely
a “perfect storm of human error and
and disbelief by family members was quickly followed by demonstrations not only
in Cleveland but in New York City as
wonder American Blacks feel that they walk the streets of our cities with targets pinned on them and a free pass for assailants in Blue.
press and public official routinely call for calm after each new
outrage. But there is no calm—only more
demonstration. Meanwhile Whites seem to continually find ways to blame each new victim for their own
executions—they didn’t respond quickly
enough to orders, were disorderly,
had some criminal past. In the case of Tamar Rice, his parents’ arrest records were held against him as proof that he was a
threatening gang banger. Politicians who used to use code words for such racism are beginning to follow the lead
of Donald Trump who has shown that overt racism pays off handsomely.
Black Lives Matter protesters disrupted holiday travel at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. |
to be dissuaded protests around the country have only intensified. In Chicago
a series of demonstrations disrupted
holy Christmas shopping on the Miracle
Mile. In Minnesota protesters
returned to the Mall of America but
in a piece of brilliant misdirection used
a feint there to cover a disruption of holiday travel at the Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport. New Yorkers protesting the Tamar Rice whitewash took to the streets like Occupy marches and led police on a merry chase ending with traffic
disruption on the Brooklyn Bridge. More protests have been planned and announced in
coming days.
The press has editorially virtually universally
condemned protests that “inconvenience
innocent citizens.” But that fails
to acknowledge that just such inconvenient protesting has wrung what few concessions have been made to the Black Lives
Movement and will likely bring more. The
national media has once again put coverage of protests around the corner on the
back burner even when local markets
cannot ignore them. The growing boycott of
coverage is eerily similar to the sudden retreat from covering the spreading
Occupy movement three years ago—which turned out to come after secret appeals from Federal security operations. The idea is to convince Americans that
the movement is burning out.
In fact, it is not only smoldering, it threatens to erupt
into a conflagration.
In all of this some white allies have stood
resolutely on the streets with Black protestors. Others have found different ways to stand in solidarity.
I have been AWOL. But it is time to report back to duty. Just tell me where to stand and point me in the right direction.
I hope a lot of readers of this blog will share the
call. It’s not too late.
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