Tarkington, the American novelist
and dramatist, was born on July 29, 1869 into a comfortable, upper
middle class family in Indianapolis,
Indiana. His long and very
productive career was marked by his close examination of those 19th Century Mid-Western roots
in the humorous, nostalgic vein of his popular Penrod novels and Seventeen,
as well as more serious depictions as in The Magnificent Ambersons and
At first educated in
Indianapolis schools, his socially ambitious family had him
transferred to Phillips Exeter Academy, the fashionable eastern boarding school that was a conduit to the Ivy League. But
his family lost some of their wealth in the Panic of 1879, and young Booth
was sent instead to Indiana’s own Purdue University. A gifted enough student not to have to work
hard for decent grades, he was popular on campus and enjoyed his two
years there.
With improving fortunes, he was sent to Princeton to finish his
education. There he joined a theatrical group where he
excelled as an actor and first
turned his hand as a playwright. He became one of the charter members when the drama club was re-formed
as The Triangle Club, which continues to this day producing
original work by students. He
also belonged to the Ivy Club, the
oldest and most prestigious of Princeton’s dining clubs and edited
the Nassau
Literary Magazine.
Voted the most
popular student of the class of 1893, Tarkington failed to graduate,
missing credit in one class.
However, he kept close ties to both of his colleges and made significant
gifts to each when he became a wealthy and successful writer. A residence hall at Purdue was named
for him after he underwrote its construction and both schools
awarded him honorary degrees. In
fact, he was the only person ever to receive two honorary degrees from
Princeton, a measure of his literary prestige in the first quarter of
the 20th Century.

Upon leaving
school, Tarkington was able to undertake the traditional grand tour of Europe and spent time in such upper-class
enclaves as Kennebunkport,
Maine between extended stays in Indianapolis. He began successfully writing short
stories for popular magazines.
In 1900 he had success with his second book, Monsieur Beaucaire. Uncharacteristic of most of his work the
slender novel was a comic historical romance set in 18th
Century England. It’s themes of social
class and caste, however, would be reflected in more American
scenes. The book went on to be a
successful play, was made into an operetta, and was twice filmed, in 1924 with Rudolph
Valentino and 1946 with Bob Hope.
Tarkington married in 1902 and set up primary residence in Indianapolis. The marriage, which produced one daughter, ended in divorce in 1911 and Tarkington married Susanah Keifer
Robinson the following year. In 1902, the
year of his first marriage, Tarkington was elected to a single
as a Republican in the Indiana legislature, which gave him
fodder for his book In the
Arena: Stories of Political Life published
in 1905.
Tarkington was soon publishing nearly a book a year in addition to a volume
of poetry and plays, including adaptations of his books. Later he would also do screenplays
from his work.
Orson Welles's adaptation of The Magnificent Amerbersons with Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter, Tim Hold and Agnes Moorehead is considered a masterpiece despite RKO taking the final cut from the boy genius and altering the ending.
Penrod, the first
of a series of books about the adventures of a small town boy of
comfortable circumstances, began as magazine stories and was published in 1914
and was widely popular. The next
year Tarkington finished The Turmoil,
the first book of the Growth trilogy
about the fall of an old wealth family and the rise of the industrial
new rich. The second book of that
series, The Magnificent Ambersons was published in 1918
and is considered by most critics as him most important work. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1919. Orson Wells famously made it into a
classic film in 1941.
This 1948 paperback edition of Seventeen is the one I found on my mother's bookshelves and stuffed into my back jeans pocket to read in the boughs of a willow over a Cheyenne pond one summer long ago.
In between, in 1916 came Seventeen, a much beloved,
painfully comic tale of a young man’s unrequited love. It is still an entertaining and enjoyable
read. In 1922 Tarkington won a
second Pulitzer Prize for Alice Adams, his tale of a vivacious small town girl of modest means who plots to
snag the handsome son of the town’s leading wealthy family. It, too, was twice made into a film adapted
for the screen most famously in 1935 by my distant kinswoman Jane
Murfin for Katherine Hepburn.
Presenting Lily
Mars, published in 1933 told the story of a stage struck young woman and incorporated themes from Tarkington’s lifelong interest in the theater. It was made
into a MGM musical staring Judy Garland in 1943.
In the early ‘20’s Tarkington began to lose
his sight and was blind by mid-decade. He continued to
produce a steady stream of novels, plays, and non-fiction by dictation up to his death in 1946.
In all nine of his novels were top best sellers and several of his stage plays long running hits. His reputation as a novelist has been eclipsed by harder edged work by later American writers.
Seventeen remains perennially in print as a juvenile
favorite, but Tarkington is now best remembered for
the films made of his work.
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